Wednesday 24 August 2016

Revolutionize Your Body with Full Body Vibration!

At New Beginnings, weight loss and overall health are our primary focus. The two are intertwined. Obesity is a major adverse health condition that can lead to things such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. This is one of the reasons why we focus so much on the interconnecting relationship between weight and health. When you are at your ideal weight, you are much healthier.

As part of our continued effort to offer the best services for weight loss and health, we are proud to have a Genesis Elite full body vibration machine in our office.

The Genesis Elite from Vibra Pro

The newest machine from Vibra Pro, the Genesis Elite is a multi motion machine designed for people looking for rapid weight loss, increased core strength and improved lymphatic drainage. This machine also includes an Integrated Vibration Dampening System. This system ensures that all vibrations are harmonic for maximum effectiveness.

This machine has three different motion styles to workout different areas on your body. They are:
  • Oscillation motion
  • Cross Lateral
  • Dynamic Wave motion
These new styles of motion offer twice as much amplitude than any other oscillating machine on the market. This means that any session on the Genesis Elite at New Beginnings will be customized to your weight loss and health needs. This machine also offers 28 different, built-in motion programs, each with its own unique workout program.

With two powerful motors driving the Genesis Elite, you will get the best full body vibration workout on the market. Given the higher amplitude movements, the Genesis Elite shows much improved results for burning fat than other machines. In addition, the Genesis Elite is extremely helpful for balance and will dramatically increase the body’s lymphatic drainage system, eliminating waste toxins. Eliminating waste toxins is a great way to detoxify your body and maintain a healthy and fit feeling and look.

Combine with Laser-like Lipo!

The Genesis Elite is extremely effective when combined with the laser-like lipo system utilized at New Beginnings. When the contents of fat cells are opened and emptied through the incredible power of the laser-like lipo machine, the full body vibration with the Genesis Elite allows all of the toxins from inside the fat cells to be burned as energy. This combination will jump-start your weight loss and help you see better results faster.

Whether you want to use the Genesis Pro by itself for a fast and effective workout, or if you want to combine the full body vibration with the laser-like lipo service, the Genesis Pro is the best model on the market. It’s flexibility combined with the power motion will help you lose weight and feel great! Come to New Beginnings today and implement full body vibration into your workout and weight loss regimen.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Weight Loss – How to Succeed

The ultimate goal of weight loss is to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day.  Ideally, this is done through a combination of increased physical activity as well as a change in eating habits.

A sound weight loss program is comprised of:

  • Reasonable & obtainable weight loss goals.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Healthy eating habits.
  • A change in daily behaviors to both succeed and maintain goals.
A few important things to keep in mind:

  • Talk to your doctor before getting started.
  • Calories, nutrition, and portions are all important.
  • Fat loss is more important than weight loss.
  • Even minor weight loss achievements can provide major health benefits.
  • Make lifestyle changes, not temporary changes (diets, etc.).
Starting off:
  • Check your body fat percentage, which tells you how much of your body mass is lean mass versus fat mass. This helps for both goal setting as well as ensuring you are losing fat, not muscle, as you progress in your routine.
  • Ask your doctor about what reasonable goals are for you personally. Ask them what restrictions you might need in regards to physical activities and diet based on your health history.
  • Start writing down a nutrition log (what and when you eat) for a few days to get an idea of your dietary needs. Search around the web to get an idea of how to properly balance your protein, carb, and fat intake.  If you can find one that gives you specifics as far as vitamins and minerals as well, even better.
  • Assess your lifestyle and bad habits you may have. Examples include too much television, snacking late at night, too much junk food in the household, etc.  Then, gradually work on changing those bad habits by replacing them with healthier choices.

Deciding on a weight loss plan:

  • A solid weight loss plan should include lifestyle changes, not temporary changes. Temporary changes equals temporary weight loss.  If you come off a diet and go back to eating how you used to, you will also go back to weighing what you used to.
  • If you have a friend who lost weight and gained it back, chances are that if that program failed for them, it will also fail for you.
  • Avoid the latest weight loss gimmicks. Search for tried and true programs that actually work.  If you are unsure of where to go, you can find professionals in the field by googling weight loss clinics in your rea. You can also find help at a local fitness facility.  Just as you wouldn’t try to learn how to fly a plane on your own, you shouldn’t go blind into a weight loss program either.  Stick to professional advice, not the latest trend.  Celebrities may endorse a program, but in virtually all cases, it’s not because that product is what worked for them – it’s because the company is paying them to say it did.
  • If a weight loss program isn’t working for you, feel free to change it. Everyone’s body is different and as such, not every program works for everyone.  If you aren’t seeing reasonable results, try changing things up to something else.  WE BELIEVE IN BIO-INDIVIDUALIZED NUTRITION COUNCELING. So look for professionals who will help you learn about your personal metabolism and what will keep you thin forever!

Saturday 4 June 2016

Home Remedies for Weight Loss

The foundation of any good weight loss routine should always be regular exercise and a sound nutrition plan.  However, while there are no “miracle” weight loss tricks, there are a few things you can include that can help you lose the weight a little bit faster. I recommend a supplement called NutraTherm along with the Essentials Pack, manufactured by Melaleuca Inc. We have had tremendous success with Melaleuca’s supplements and they are recognized for their superior absorption and efficacy by the American Journal of medicine and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  In addition, I recommend trying a few of the following home remedies. All of these ingredients can be found in most grocery stores.

Cinnamon Tea

Recent studies have shown promising results as far as cinnamon helping to maintain blood sugar level balance.  Since balanced blood sugar levels helps to keep your appetite in check and make your body more prone to burn fat than store it, cinnamon can be a great addition to a weight loss program.

Simply mix one teaspoon of ground cinnamon into eight ounces of hot water and drink up.  Based on the most recent research, optimal results can be obtained from drinking this just once or twice per day.

Rose Petal Water

Rose petals work as a mild diuretic.  While diuretics only provide a temporary loss of water weight, it encourages the body to want to consume more water, helping to keep you well hydrated and your system flushed.  Not only will this help to keep your body in better health, but staying well hydrated is also helps the body to more efficiently lose weight.

Simply take a handful of fresh or dried rose petals and place them into one to two cups of water. Place this into a pot, cover, and simmer the mix for about 15 minutes. Strain the liquid and store it in the refrigerator.  Then, drink about ½ to 1 cup every morning before breakfast.


Chewing gum is an effective way to fool the body into thinking it is getting more food than it actually is.  It is also a great way to curb your appetite when you are getting a sweets craving or are still hungry after a meal.  Just be sure that the gum is sugar-free or else the calories will negate the benefit.


The two most effective types of ginseng you would want to use is either American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) or Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng).  Various double-blind studies have shown ginseng increases the metabolism, boosts energy, combats fatigue, and even improves mental alertness.  Ginseng can not only help to burn a bit of extra calories, but it can also help keep your energy up during exercise.

Simply take a teaspoon of chopped ginseng, pour one cup of boiling water over the ginseng, and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.  Strain out the ginseng, then add a little honey or lemon for taste.  Drink this once or twice daily and it will be a great addition to your regimen.


While this one costs nothing, few people get enough of it.  Even fewer realize how important sleep actually is.  Not getting adequate sleep can increase insulin resistance as well as cause numerous other problems that can hinder fat loss.  In addition, if you are just beginning an exercise routine or have already been doing one, the body needs rest to recover.  Inadequate rest can lead to burn out, overtraining, or a general lack of motivation to exercise.  While everyone is different as far as their sleep needs, generally speaking, most individuals need a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night, with some needing as much as nine hours.  So, if you find yourself dragging throughout your days, increase the amount of rest you’re getting and you will not only feel better, but it will help you lose the weight faster as well.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Body Contouring Treatments, Liposuction, Laser Like Lipo Baltimore

Body Contouring: 

How does Laser-like Lipo work?

Laser-like Lipo is a revolutionary breakthrough in the weight loss and body contouring industry. This is a way to slim down, lose inches off of your waist and target weight loss and fat loss in specific – hard to lose – problem areas (*Individual Results may Vary).

The body’s reaction to the laser-like lipo is similar to that of exercise. When you exercise hormones open fat cells to reduce the size of the cell, but that requires a great deal of physical exertion. With laser-like lipo, instead of hormones opening the fat cells, the light from the laser-like lipo machine opens the fat cells through your skin and sends the contents into the lymphatic system to be burned as energy. This entire process removes much of the contents from fat cells and causes the cells to shrink. This leads to:
  • Decreased fat content
  • Weight loss
  • A significant  reduction in your waistline
  • A tauter and more sculpted body
For more information, visit us at:

What is the Laser-like Lipo Machine?

The Vevazz laser-like lipo machine utilizes a mild laser light, which is applied directly to the skin. The LED lights opens the cell and releases the water, glycerol and free fatty acids from the fat cell, causing the fat cell to shrink. This allows the laser light to target problem areas on your body where fat builds up and is difficult to lose. These areas include:

  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Belly
  • Love Handles
  • Waist
  • Muffin Top
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

This procedure is safe and non-invasive. It is also pain-free and has no side effects. Vevazz laser-like lipo is an effective alternative to expensive and invasive surgery.

How Can Laser-like Lipo Help Me?

Do you feel frustrated when you can’t lose inches off of your waistline through diet and exercise alone?  Have you tried seemingly every weight loss program on the market with little to no results? After just a few sessions with the laser-like lipo machine, you will see the benefits of fat loss in the areas you want to lose*. In addition, you will realize all of the long-term benefits of losing weight. You will be a healthier and fitter version of you.

Laser-like lipo is a perfect solution for people who:

  • Exercise and eat right, but still have those problem areas where they can never seem to lose
  • Diet and exercise, but never seem to lose any weight
  • Have cellulite – the laser-like lipo process will smooth the skin and reduce cellulite spots
  • Have excess skin after losing weight, but do not want to go in for surgery to remove the skin
  • Want to see immediate weight loss or body contouring results
  • Want to spot reduce
  • Want to get serious about weight loss
  • Want to reduce stretch marks
  • Reduce pain and inflammation

Wednesday 25 May 2016

5 Magical Strategies to Reduce Weight by New Beginnings Baltimore

It is extremely frustrating when you are trying to lose weight and you can’t seem to make any progress, despite the fact that you are working hard. If this happens to you, you can supplement your weight loss regimen with these helpful tips. 

Take a look:

 5 Magical Strategies to Reduce Weight

While some of these tips seem simple, being diligent and sticking to them every day can be a challenge. Adopting these simple strategies will help you lose weight in a healthy and natural way. These weight loss strategies can be implemented in addition to any other weight loss programs you are using. These are some simple steps to introduce into your lifestyle to make you look smart and fit.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Carb-Cycling: A Diet that Works!

Most diets simply don’t work due to the fact that they slow the metabolism and eat away at your fat burning muscle. A good diet can certainly help in reaching those weight loss goals though.  Now, when it comes to successful diets, one place to look professional athletes and bodybuilders. In doing so, you’ll find that the majority of them use some sort of carb‐cycling when it comes to their “cutting phases.” So, today we are going to provide you with a general carb‐cycling diet that is well‐suited for most individuals.

To start, let’s begin with a bit of a foundation as to the overall concept behind this diet. 

For starters, get it out of your head that you are looking to “lose weight.” What you really want to do is lose fat. Losing fat is what improves your overall figure. As such, you want to lose as much fat as you can on your diet, but at the same time, you want to maintain your muscle.  With that in mind, it is far more important to keep track of your inches than it is your weight. After all, losing five pounds of fat and gaining five pounds of muscle would certainly help improve your figure (since muscle is far denser than fat), but a scale won’t show this type of result.  Instead, use a measuring tape around various areas of the body, such as the stomach, hips, thighs, arms, etc. This will give you a more accurate measurement of your progress. Even better, track your body fat percentage. This can be done with various equipment. At New Beginnings Baltimore we use a hand held bio-impedance device, as well as a professional grade Tanita scale to measure the percentage of body fat and the percentage of water in the body. This allows us to double check the accuracy of our readings.

Now, the basics of a carb‐cycling diet is to keep your protein and fat intake relatively consistent, while you rotate between low‐carb and high‐carb days. The most basic method that has been shown to work best for most individuals would be a three‐day low‐carb, one day high‐carb rotation. What this cycle does is it causes your body to tap more into fat stores during the low carb days. However, typically the body gets used to this by slowing the metabolism. So, in order to counter that concern, you have a high carb day once every four days. That fourth day replenishes your muscle glycogen, so there is little concern of it being stored as fat, given you don’t go too overboard with the carbs. So, the fourth day keeps the metabolism from slowing down (aka – prevents you from losing muscle), while the other three low‐carb days gets your body shedding that fat. Another great perk of the high‐carb day is that it makes it much easier to stick with the diet, since you know every fourth day, you get to look forward to having a higher caloric intake again.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

5 Magical Strategies to Reduce Weight

It is extremely frustrating when you are trying to lose weight and you can’t seem to make any progress, despite the fact that you are working hard. If this happens to you, you can supplement your weight loss regimen with these helpful tips.

Take a look:

#1 Hydrate

Water is the best hydrator and an ideal weight loss tool too. In a recent survey conducted in the US, people who drink 17 oz of water three times a day before every meal, lose around 5 lbs in 12 weeks. Lisa Renn, the dietician says, “The noticeable thing in this study is that the people who shed weight were the ones who were drinking water prior to eating. This is to reduce the capacity of stomach by eating smaller portions of food”. Therefore, drinking more water before meals will help you eat less.

#2 Do not munch the whole day

Are you always keeping an eye on the cookie jar or sipping on a soda? If so, you should remove this from your daily routine. Eat a balanced diet with a gap of two to three hours between meals. Consume meals in small portions and take lesser quantities, as it keeps levels of blood sugar stable. Eating meals this way makes you recognize true hunger and forces you to eat healthier. If you are snacking all day, you will put on extra useless calories you don’t actually need.

#3 Start Resistance Training

Body muscles are ultimate fat burners which cannot be built on the treadmill. The slimmer your tissues are, the more calories you are likely to burn. Surprisingly, such tissues can be built only through resistance training. To lose weight, move every day. Do both high intensity interval training and resistance training two times a week.

#4 Add Protein and Ditch Wrong Carbs

Sweets, white breads, pasta, processed food and high GI carbohydrates reduce digestion power and produce insulin, which is not good. Too much intake of these foods and production of insulin makes you gain weight and could lead to type-2 diabetes in extreme cases. Instead, consume wholegrain breads, fruits and oats to keep fats away from the body. These foods are low GI carbs so they are good for you. Renn says, “Add protein to your diet like tuna, four bean mix, light ham and chicken etc.”

#5 Get 8 hours of sleep

Getting 8 hours of sleep is a perfect key to weight loss. In one study researchers found the following, “The body is active during sleep in terms of metabolism. So the more we sleep, the more our fat burning ability gets turned up”. Lack of sleep is destructive for leptin and ghrelin, which are hunger controlling hormones. If you don’t get enough sleep, ghrelin increases and leptin decreases, which makes you crave food. As a result, you eat more sweets, baked foods, chips and soda, thus making you gain weight.

While some of these tips seem simple, being diligent and sticking to them every day can be a challenge. Adopting these simple strategies will help you lose weight in a healthy and natural way. These weight loss strategies can be implemented in addition to any other weight loss programs you are using. These are some simple steps to introduce into your lifestyle to make you look smart and fit.

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